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Deb Taylor

L3 QHHT Practitioner

& Accredited Trainer 



Kia Ora

Thank you for taking this time to get to know me. I look forward to connecting with your curious soul soon. Ka Pai! 

Firstly, Nowadays & for the past 12 years I prioritise my responsibilities as a Mother.  A mother who has knowledge, experience, interest & skills as a QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) practitioner, Neuro-change practitioner, conscious coach, Yoga & Ayurveda Therapist, & the fun stuff entrepreneur, transformational retreat & the soul festival creatress.

Just before my journey into motherhood, I had what some may call a high-flying international career, yet in parallel to this, & what I gave most importance to was my consistent studies in various holistic healing modalities & my own inner work with the barriers that had been preventing deeper self-realisations to the sub conscious (SC) or higher self / over soul. Within that space I began connecting patterns within the energy fields that assisted in discovering my dharma / purpose & developed many humble talents for also helping other humans heal themselves. My core competency is to deeply comprehend the true origin & metaphysical courses, transform & evolve from ones’ life challenges & energetic blockages, as to access the hidden treasures of consciousness, transcendence & awareness that we can all tap into.

Now, as a world class QHHT Practitioner & trainer, also driven by the love & adult responsibilities to our children & future generations, I am passionately working with these Quantum frequencies for reversing dis-comforts & dis-ease.  Actually in my experience & perception nothing in this field is limited when we fully invite, engage, trust, listen, allow, & receive what is to be learnt, loved, released or healed within & outside of our reality.

I have discovered promising hope in my Quantum tool kit & techniques for how this energy exchange can help us at this critical time on earth.  I am willing to share this information in a way that is a vibrational match to open minds & free will listeners, clients, or audience, about these healing breakthroughs & experiences that have proven time again that quantum hypnosis techniques work, even when it may be beyond the human awareness of how… at this time.

I clearly in-vision this soul work to be an important & beneficial piece of our collective's puzzle for integrating the infinite wisdom of vibrational medicine for modern scientific research that people may well need to heal, & be the whole, compassionate, conscious & powerful human BEINGS we wish to exist with & evolve here on earth.

~ Deb Taylor

"Whilst traveling the world I dived deep into many multi-dimensional healing modalities; such as Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy, Past life Regression, Yoga, Ayurveda, Vibration medicine, Shamanic Breath work and more, for over 20 years.

Now living in New Zealand, I am passionate about bringing these ancient healing wisdom's supported by modern science,

metaphysics & spirituality to our community into the new earth, to help restore harmony, health & balance where appropriate.

Through my life’s work & purpose I have come to know we are all one, yet unique, intricate beings with incredible abilities to create & heal absolutely anything;  it’s a matter of trust, allowance, & invitation to our own multi-dimensional aspects of source energy.  It is my honor to support & guide individuals to connect with these parts,  to evolve with the souls purpose & peace for this lifetime & into the next."

~ Deb Taylor

"Deb is a true kaitiaki of this taonga (guardian of this gift) and I am beyond grateful for her wairua and manaakitanga (spirit and support) in guiding me through this life-changing experience" Kasia

 About   QHHT 

QUANTUM HEALING sessions are as unique as we are & what we create, allow & invite in each day.  You will experience all you are ready & willing to & nothing you cannot handle.  It is not me that does the healing, but the part of you always connected to Source, so it is SELF-HEALING.  

We will take a journey inwards to meet up with past, future, parallel and other energy forms or expressions of ourselves.  Various aspects of self are aware of you the experiencer, and interacts with you through dialogue.  Some of these aspects may interact with emotions, sensations or other means of communication and expression.  We sometimes merge our consciousness with – or become one with – other energy fields of awareness.  This enables us to experience life consciousness through other perspectives. 

By expanding our awareness we are able to tap into many different layers of our larger collective consciousness.

This is accomplished with your all-knowing personalized SOUL LOGiC & LOVE!  Which far surpasses common human capabilities of healing or logic.


This is the age of information, questioning & seeking to comprehend why & how love, understanding & forgiveness can actually transform & save lives.  Many of us do aim to live consciously, pay attention & tap in to what’s going on, in & around us.  However there’s our human struggle with fear or self doubt to the point our own knowing or intuition fades.  Our best intentions & desires are often misguided by the many external & conflicting ideas or influences out there.  We often feel it's 'all too hard' to know whats best for ourselves & loved ones.  The choice many make is to ignore it, cover it up, & live with it, or follow the crowd & have a sort of blind faith in medicines, surgery, doctors or other external influences for answers, healing & help. 

However if we don't get to the source or learn from the matter, It'll just keep coming back stronger to manifest in other ways, until we finally get the message. The magnificent thing is that deep with in us we know our souls purpose better than anyone, why stuff happens as it dose, & what we really need to learn, love, realize or release in this life time right now.

Why Is QHHT so effective?

The sessions focus is on all aspects of your personal empowerment and healing, with the aim of achieving a greater sense of  well being and insight.  Feelings can  create  emotional stress that will benefit from using this technique, as it is possible to interrupt and eliminate  destructive negative thoughts and feelings.   QHHT is a formula with increased spiritual rewards  and is an ongoing process of self awareness that begins with your session. 

QHHT is a multi-dimensional, self-healing technique.  Meaning you can get to the source of matter on many levels, in all area of life.  People come for a QHHT session for many reasons. Some out of curiosity, questions about their life purpose, family, work, or health issues. Over all, clients want to better understand why their life has been the way it has, and most importantly, how to move forward in the best way possible.  We may travel through time & space to experience the source of knowing from a very deep level of consciousness - You can then clear the issues & learn lessons within the reasons; e.g why life has played out the way it has & so forth.  Through pure understanding & forgiveness you release what is no longer serving your souls purpose.

QHHT was developed & perfected by the late Dolores Cannon over several decades with thousands of clients through hypnosis - along with advice from the Collective Consciousness / God Source Energy.  Her fearless curiosity about the unknown and untried has ensured her enduring legacy as a pioneer of Regression Therapy, Quantum Healing & so much more.  Dolores Cannon’s legacy lives on through her many books, The Cannon University, & QHHT® Training Academy.  Cannon continues to come through, help & pave the way for her QHHT® Certified Practitioners (in our  QHHT sessions) - Including myself, now & in the future.  

QHHT isn’t only for those who believe in past lives or are metaphysically minded. Anyone can access the part of their mind that holds all answers. Deep hypnosis assists anyone who is interested in exploring their life to understand more deeply & to help them self make changes that profoundly can increase their life experience.  Anything is possible with this proven method of hypnosis: QHHT®.


I have come to understand some people are uncomfortable with the notion of hypnosis having seen old fashioned methods of swinging pendulums & making people act like chickens... with no self control!  However those techniques weren't accessing the source / higher self / somnambulistic mind or same consciousness as we use in QHHT, hence there is no likeness or comparison whatsoever. 

So forget freaky, taboo or weird!  Yes, maybe it's mind-bending to some although this is a pure & simple metaphysical process working with many elements of connectivity, universal love & source energy.  The technique is magnificently restful & restoring in its peaceful approach to accessing the same 'hypnotic' states of consciousness that we all naturally drift into just before falling asleep & waking up each day.  While many choose to label this Subconscious (SC) part of ourselves differently, essentially our higher self is forever connected to ‘Source’ (as we call it) which has all the records, answers & limitless healing energies to anything. 

We can travel through time & space to experience what is needed - This is often when 'past life regressions' happen.  Then often we invite your Subconscious (SC) to work with us & allow your souls logic to heal & answer questions.  The SC is your loving observer that knows your soul from other and all perspectives.  Many issues form from our past / life experiences that may be connected to karmic lessons.  This is the key to using hypnosis for time & space travel / regression for living your purposeful lives plan & freeing yourself from unwanted energies with love; 

You being open and engaging in this experience is most important but always your freewill.  'Miracles' happen all the time with QHHT, & they can happen for you.  But miracles will not take away the lessons or responsibilities in your own life after your session.


So, As you may understand now, during a QHHT® session, the cause of issues can be revealed & explained by your own Soul Logic.  In most cases If it's appropriate to heal then a soulful release occurs in the body & mind, so the client is freed form their condition immediately, without discomfort, medication or surgery.  In all cases, before healing can occur, an individual must have no doubt they do want the healing.  The healing also cannot interfere with lessons of this present life or the contracts they made before incarnating.  Our souls are eternal as we come to Earth to grow & learn lessons through these individual experiences.  An example of a conflict in healing could be the SC not agreeing to restore the sight of a blind person if that was one of the lessons they agreed to learn before incarnating in their present life.
The SC also adheres to a literal approach regarding healing.  
If a client is experiencing a condition that is the result of self abuse or lack of care for their body, & the person has taken no action to correct this & has no desire to change this, the SC is fully aware.  

The Souls Logic will dictate that there is no point in healing the condition if the client is just going to resume abusing the body once it is healed.

"I found Deb to be an incredible practitioner, from the moment you make contact with her you're guided through the process in a safe loving manner. With her experience and loving patience she was able to guide me through difficult phases with ease and grace." Tracey


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"As human DNA continues to be further activated,
I’m finding that my clients are more aware of what happens in their sessions than they used to be so that is becoming more normal."

Dolores Cannon

Book a QHHT Session



4 Tips & What to Expect

Process & Benefits

QHHT For Those Who Are Not Metaphysically Minded

Here, my friend Suzanne explains how QHHT can assist anyone who is interested in exploring their life to understand it more deeply to help their self make changes that profoundly increase their life experience.


About  Deb...

Namaste . Kia Ora . Welcome

Hi, let me tell you a bit about me... I look forward to getting to know you soon... 

This earth school has been a rich form of education this time round.  As a child I had an infinite spiritual assurance with desire to understand it all!  I needed to explore, experience, & journey beyond typical familiarity & the physical margins of my upbringing.  I always felt there was so much more to what's visible to my human eyes.
So, I spent a good portion of life travelling to places that called me in around this world.  I tend to take the road less traveled, allowing unexpected challenges to arise. This trait has strengthened my awareness of self, and various belief systems, opening my heart & mind to many bountiful paths & prospects to experience. 
​My spirit is determined yet sensitive, naturally curious & open, perceptibly nurturing a strong intuition, while allowing my intellect to support a heart of compassion.  

It is natural for me to be captivated by life stories, spiritual beliefs, cultural traditions, ceremony & healing modalities. These days I progressively observe what makes us tick, sick, pick or trick to aid my conscious sense of what echos or resonates with me to bring awareness & understanding. 

I have continuously studied what I've felt called to; a myriad of subjects in the spiritual health realm. Predominately a teacher & always a student of Yoga (many styles), so an experienced Yoga & Nutritional (Ayurveda) Therapist.  

Variety has been the spice of my livelihood with occupations also in: Airlines, Recruitment & Training, Hospitality, Travel & Tourism, Interior Design, Fitness & Nutrition, Health & Wellness, & more.  Nonetheless 10 years of motherhood so far has been my most challenging yet rewarding calling and responsibility, that's taught my most valued lessons to date!

Quantum Healing  &  Me...

Once upon a time I was compelled to research the wonderful work of Dolores Cannon, Soul Speak & the wonders of QHHT.  When that nudging feeling, follows with a serendipitous flow of events - then I will always honor that calling to explore & expand for worthy reasons.  Enchantingly many of the metaphorical concepts I naturally comprehend from Quantum physics to  Dolores Cannons field of work, they echoed, opened & absorbed me, sending shimmers of awakening and remembering through my soul, mind & body... & continue to do so.  Needless to say It was only a matter of divine timing until I was graced to be qualified with the QHHT Academy, so I could help others in such a phenomenal way by adopting this impressive Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.
I have infinitely embraced my purpose through this work, while raising vibrations, heeding my intuition, gaining insight & emerging with dreams & visions that arise through my soulful practices daily.  I am now the first & only Level 3 QHHT Practitioner in New Zealand. 

I love the constant evolving nature of this work, so mindfully spend time in the worldwide forum participation, mentoring, metaphysical studies, practicing, teaching & working with my souls abilities as a means of advancing my chosen human skills so I can help others self heal with peace, patience, power & purpose.

I am honored to have had the opportunity to guide hundreds already on this mind expanding soul journey through time & space to deeply connect with the knowledge & wisdom with in to love, learn & heal whatever no longer serves... I like to call that SOUL LOGiC.

Quantum Love

Deb Taylor  -  Daya Devi

Level 3 QHHT Practitioner  /  Multidimensional Liaison

Book a Session with Deb Taylor...

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Auckland . New Zealand
021 180 8339


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Deb Taylor ©

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