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"Our true divine power is recognized and embodied when we open up to our own higher guidance… 

I provide reflection, support, guidance, space and show you the doors, but it’s up to each of us, to see the open doors and walk through them ourselves"


Lisa Schady - Wellington, NZ

My session with Deb was absolutely magical, a total day out of time where nothing else existed but the two of us and the journey we would take together as client and facilitator. Deb gracefully guided me through a session where I connected to two potent soul memories, asking me detailed questions so that I could get a very clear understanding of what I was experiencing and why. I was amazed with the knowledge and wisdom that came through from my sub-conscious, and the potent energy healing that I experienced through the trance-state. I felt absolutely safe to be seen in this space, and like I was being rocked to sleep by a mother, and waking refreshed after the most beautiful dreams ever! I still feel the affects of the session resonating, in which massive shifts have occurred in my energy bodies, and my mind is incredibly clear, my voice loud and open, and my physical body feeling strong and upgraded. Thank you Deb, for you amazing mahi, this work is life-changing. I would absolutely go in for another session, and recommend this work to those who ready to truly see themselves and become masters of their own fate. Kia ora Deb, you are truly amazing!


Amanda Jane Loftus - Wellington, NZ

I had the most incredible QHHT session with Deb Taylor.  My husband had passed away in Aug 2019 and my whole life has changed significantly  in many ways since then. I am now on a new path and working with Deb took me back to a past life where I relived my purpose. It was a deeply emotional experience to understand why my husband had passed so I could do the work on earth I am embarking on now and how my past life was so relevant for this lifetime. I also received healing and after the session I felt really refreshed and energised. I had a major shift in my sadness and grief being lifted, and my heart being healed.  I have done a lot of work on myself over the past 11 months and this really has been the final thing that has created the sense being whole again for me. Without this session it would have been difficult to achieve. I am moving forward in my new life with excitement and confidence that I am walking the right path.  Deb is absolutely connected and divine, she really is the most beautiful person with the highest of intentions to help others. The results absolutely speak for themselves and she is completely authentic.  If you are wondering about doing QHHT session, just do it, it will be an amazing and life changing experience.


Deborah Matheson - Auckland, NZ

I am so happy that I was guided to Deb for my QHHT session. I had an open mind about what to expect and discovered to my delight that this, life changing, session was a gateway for me that continues to surprise me with synchronicities and wonderful new paths opening up.  If you are undecided about who to choose, rest assured, Deb is a beautiful soul who will take you on your own magical journey.

Thanks Deb xxx


Natali Brown  - Spiritual Wellbeing Mentor & Coach, Energy Healer, Psychic Medium.

I’ve had a few QHHT sessions with Deb now and each time I’ve been blown away by the experience.

My sessions were incredibly insightful and Deb’s calming demeanor allowed me to explore and transform areas of this life and past lives with ease.

I have been going through a huge transformation in the last 6 months and needed some clarity around my life path and the healing work I do. I wanted to heal and clear any energetic blocks or karma which would prevent me from having fulfilling relationships but most of all leading and serving with love in life and business. Deb’s strong presence and guidance during these sessions was an anchor for me to let go, heal and free myself from energetic attachments I had difficulty to clear myself.

I feel such strength and determination after my second session with Deb and would highly recommend her if you’re thinking of experiencing QHHT.


Matiu Te Huki - Wellington. NZ

My session with Deb Taylor was my first experience of this kind. 

I loved how spacious and relaxed we started, taking time to let the world fade away and Deb easily brought me to a relaxed, open, ready state for transformation.

I felt complete trust and was moved by the natural flow and what came up and how it resonated with me.

I have felt a solid shift since in several major areas of my life that needed support.

I'm grateful for what you do Deb.



Sia Hu Heka - Auckland. NZ

I had a QHHT session with Deb Taylor and it was something very new for me. I loved her place and the energy you feel when you enter into her space. I felt super relaxed and comfortable.

I experienced Hypnosis with 2 past live regressions that were very powerful.

I had big insights about my life that are still unfolding with some situations I am currently experiencing.

To be able to talk to my highest self and also to the child I am carrying was so powerful. 

I am so grateful for Deb's gift as a channel between my highest self and my body-mind.

I totally recommend to work with Deb.

With Love, Sia.


Tracey D - Cambridge.NZ

I have recently had a beautiful QHHT session with Deb. I found her to be an incredible practitioner and from the moment you make contact with her you are guided through the process in a safe loving manner. With her experience and loving patience she was able to guide me through difficult phases with ease and grace. I would highly recommend Deb to anyone wanting an amazing QHHT experience.


Sarah - Auckland. NZ

I had the pleasure to be introduced to Deb through a friend in what I feel was great synchronicity. Naturally curious about her practice, I didn’t wait long to book in a session with her. Meeting Deb has been an enlightening journey to say the least. She is full of wisdom, light, and truly enabled me to see things from a bright new found perspective

I regularly attend her Yoga group and love the raw energy she brings to the space. She additionally created a tailored Ayurvedic nutritional plan which has been hugely beneficial to my lifestyle and overall well-being. 

Would highly recommend her broad spectrum of services. Namaste 



Mike - Wellington. NZ

Purpose and Assurance.

I went into my QHHT session with Deb with an open mind, but still a degree of scepticism.  This was completely changed as a result of the session and the past life regression work Deb did.  As a person with stage four cancer, I was given six months to live in late 2018, and am pleased to be fit and healthy nine months later. Deb’s work, I believe, has payed no small part in this.  As well as helping me realise my life purpose, which has helped me prioritise my activities post diagnosis, Deb also taught me how to reach a plain where the body’s natural healing can occur.  My lung nodules have reduced by up to 50% since the session and my bone cancer has not progressed further.


Kasia - Auckland.NZ

recently experienced an extremely stuck and triggering phase in life where I was really struggling to cope with the serious illness of someone I care about. Daily I was triggered in traumatic ways and feeling incredibly anxious and unstable.

In a beautifully safe and supported QHHT session with Deb I was guided through several past life times and received so much clarity on my purpose and karmic or soul reasons for some of the things I am experiencing in this lifetime. I also received the most amazing gift of seeing and learning about my daughter and my connection in lifetimes past. It has truly changed my outlook on parenting her and explained so much of our dynamic and roles we're playing out. 
It felt like less than an hour but amazingly Deb explained I had been under/travelling for almost three hours. 
Instantly after the session I felt a huge shift and sense of relief. It's been almost a month since and episodes, experiences that previously left me distraught seem to wash over me now. It feels like the drama and hurt is passing through water, and dissipating and becoming calmer and by the time it reaches me it's minimal and manageable. In general I have felt a sense of flow and balance restored and everything is happening with more ease. 

Deb is a true kaitiaki of this taonga (gaurdian of this gift) and I am beyond greatful for her wairua and manaakitanga (spirit and support) in guiding me through this life-changing experience. Ngā mihi nui ki a koe e hoa.  xx


Dominik Saur - Auckland. NZ

Deb is an amazing facilitator with many gifts and talents. She was always present, loving and caring and really knows how to hold a safe container. 
She prepared me for my session and gave me all the information that I needed to relax and let go. 
She guided me beautifully through a hypnosis session, where I was able to connect to subconscious believes of past lives and deep inner fears and emotions. 
I felt safe at any time and was able to release emotional blocks and face fears around betrayal. 
After the session, she made sure that I had time to come back and integrate properly and she was really caring and supportive. 
I would highly recommend Deb to anybody who feels the pull to dive deeper into unconscious beliefs and soul work.


Ben - Auckland. NZ

Thank you so much, It was an amazing experience that I couldn't believe was possible.

I listened to part of my recording last night before bed and it blew my mind! I will definitely be back when the time calls for it.

Even my mum is thinking about coming to see you now (I cant believe she said that), hopefully she does.

Once again thank you very much for the experience, I will be in touch in the future.


Mike - Auckland. NZ

Thank you for the report, video and experience you have shared with me. 
I have spent time walking barefooted on the beach, swimming, so I am feeling very grounded.

The experience has answered a lot of questions to why I do certain things in life, and I returned back to my time as a monk! 

My body is certainly better!  I have resisted meat and feel great for this even though it is only a couple of days.

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and skills with me. We will speak soon. 


L.S  -  California. USA

"Deb has a way of lovingly and intelligently holding space to allow your inner guidance to shine through. I found her at a pivotal moment in my Soul's journey and received the answers I needed. She is intuitive, she is professional, and she is gifted. My gratitude for her and her practice is immeasurable." L.S


Vivi - Auckland NZ

The experience with Deb was magical, even though I did doubt for awhile if I was imagining everything, but things I learnt in the session would suddenly click with my life or suddenly gave me a moment of “OMG, that’s why it showed me this or that’s why it said that...” for months to come after the session.

I would recommend anyone to go to Deb, she has great calming energy and you’ll know everything’s going to be alright and you’re in great hands as soon as you step into her door!   

Now as a level one intern myself and been on the other side of the QHHT experience, I realized how difficult it is to ask the right questions and realized how great and experienced Deb is as a practitioner!  I would definitely go to her again when I want another session!

Private Shamanic Breath & Sound healing

Kasia  -  Auckland NZ

For anyone wanting experience breathwork or meditation in a different way, I can not recommend Deb highly enough. She holds space so beautifully during what can be a really intense and amazingly transformational experience.

It can be difficult to adjust to the holotropic style of breathwork but Deb guided me so confidently to work through the physical discomfort with gentle verbal cues and it was so worth it.

Different to other breathwork I’ve tried before, Deb also incorporated a unique guided chakra scan meditation. I felt so connected both physically and spiritually in this initial phase of the experience and I think it really supported me to connect in for the remaining breathwork. I was definitely more aware of my chakras and specific areas of aroha and attention than I normally am while meditating. I felt completely safe to explore and receive as she supported my haerenga (journey) with shamanic instruments, music and incense. It’s the most beneficial self work and self care I’ve done in a long time.

If you feel called to experience this with Deb, definitely listen.

Private Shamanic Breath & Sound healing

Anthony - NZ

Incredible Breathwork experience with Deb. Would recommend her to anyone that has any physical or emotional difficulties. A true healer! I will forever be grateful for the help I received.


Jenny May - California. USA

What an amazing awakening experience. Totally blew my mind in a very positive way. I cant say enough about how incredible Deb Taylor is. I want everyone I know to know about it. So so powerful. If you're ready to heal yourself, ready to forgive yourself, ready to let go of guilt and shame, ready to lighten your load and ready to start LIVING then please go and experience QHHT with Deb.

She will not only inspire you but help you heal you. 
Thank you Deb for showing me the way xx


Karen - Auckland. NZ

Thank you so much for the Quantum Healing session.   The experience blew me away!

When I had the session, and since, I have made many connections with my past life and this life... too many to mention. 

Someone asked me what it was like. I said, it was like going to an amazing psychic, but I was the psychic and I knew everything about me, and the advice I gave myself was completely relevant, real, surprising and profound. It was also just what I needed to hear.

I also enjoyed your undivided attention without interruptions. Thank you for your gentle and kind facilitation of my journey. I appreciated your patience and understanding and your skill of knowing exactly what to ask and when. The whole experience was transforming and I feel I can make new life changes with confidence and the security of knowing that I am on the right path.  For that, I am truly grateful, so thank you.

I will be in contact again soon, and again, thank you for the extraordinary and interesting experience.

Nga Mihi,


Will  -  Mangawhai. NZ

I strongly recommend having a QHHT session with Deb. It is hard to explain in words the beautiful revelation this experience is.

It has changed the course of my life to a heart centered path, steadily evolving to embrace the true spirit and nature of reality.  Much love Deb



Dianne - Whangarei. NZ
Life purpose and healing

I went to Deb with an open mind, I needed to find my purpose for still being here after the recent bereavement of my Soul Mate.

I discovered not only my purpose but reasons for why I had been through so many painful experiences in my younger years.

I discovered that I had never truly been alone.
At the time of my visit to see Deb I was suffering from a back injury and could hardly walk due to the severe pain down my leg.

I also had had a recent fall that had twisted my hip out of line. Within weeks of being with Deb my back was healed and I have had no pain since,

it took a little longer for my hip issue to resolve but that also has been fixed. My lifestyle has completely changed for the better.

I would highly recommend Deb to assist anyone looking for professional and loving care.


Karen - Nelson. NZ

Deb I found the time spent with you very special indeed. Your manner is very loving and accepting and the ambiance of your home lends itself to the whole experience. Reflecting back on our session together, what was most beneficial for me was the confirmation of the reality of the whole experience of being able to tap into past times and to feel very strongly and undeniably the emotions of those times, in a very vivid and evocative way! Thank you for the wonderful work that you do.

Much love and appreciation


Sarah - Auckland. NZ

It was a beautiful experience and I feel lucky to have experienced it with you! Thank you for guiding me through this journey.  

I have now listened to my full recording about 4 times and find myself going back to a few specific parts as they uncover new links and truths each time. I couldn't help but to do some research as I found it very intriguing that I was describing things in such detail from that specific past life and feel the connection with this life deepens more every time I listen. So far I feel like I am processing everything very well and have been writing a lot down. 

The bigger picture all came together for me the first time I listened to my recording almost like a revelation while I was alone at home after our session. I lit my candle and listened carefully as all the answers to my questions were unveiled. 

It all made sense. It all came to me very clearly as I felt a deep connection with this life. In a positive way :) of course some parts are harder to listen to than others but I find myself listening to specific parts a lot as it feels fantastic hearing myself speaking with no distraction or disbelief. Just the truth which is refreshing! I love the advice I give myself and have taken it on board while accepting my flaws.

I am feeling very positive about the next chapter of my journey and feel a big sense of inner peace and tranquility. 

I will definitely cherish this forever.

Thanks for making me feel so welcome and whole again. 


Dianne - Auckland. NZ

Well they are at work that is for sure, there was a lot of stretching and bone cracking last night and early this morning as I was waking up.

The back and leg are feeling a lot better, no pain at all now !

Rest and fluids will be the order of the day, I think for today and maybe even tomorrow.

I have listened to the sc part three times now and will continue to do that for a while yet.

I had really bad headaches for the first two days but have increased my fluids (not coffee) and it seems to be better.

I have ordered the book you have suggested as extra reading.

Thank you so much for seeing me it was really awesome - I really enjoyed the whole experience.

I will keep in touch and let you know how we get on..

I will be back to see you early next year.


Dale - Auckland. NZ

I listened to the recording again last night and will do so tonight and in the future.

Still going through a huge amount of processing. Its intense at times but working through it and feeling good about it.

With all the flow that is coming through (sometimes energy coursing through) my thoughts go off on all crazy tangents and I need to bring myself back to just letting go. It’s like the ego is going “what the heck is going on” and trying to control it or drive it to where it thinks it should go.

I went for a walk last night and this morning (moving those hips). I accepted a gift of 2 bits of wood (perfect size) I need for a project while on my walk this morning

It’s a beautiful gift that you have been able to share. Much love to you.


Anthony - Auckland. NZ

"I feel integrated and connected!

It was a lot to wrap my head around at first but it all makes perfect sense now. Every time it's given me new insight. My partner listened to the whole thing with me with in company of that beautiful candle you gave me. It's safe to say that the recording had almost as much of a profound impact on her as it has done on me. It all resonated intensely with her and she is waking up! we both are.. I'm here and this life is amazing. We are all over each other and in love again. I'm happy and so very grateful. I'm also wasting no time to help her out and I can see a glistening in her eye and it's bringing me so much joy.

I've taken all of my SCs advice and it's already off to a great start. There are things in the recording that only make sense to me even though it didn't make sense at the time. It is all relevant and has answered all of my questions just perfectly. I'm starting to see why a couple of questions weren't answered and realize that it's beneficial for me not to know some things just yet. As my attitude changes towards people, I'm seeing them change before my eyes. There's so much untapped love ready to come out of everyone and I can now see that. I have so much more love in me and it doesn't judge or discriminate. 

I've resigned from work and it worked out smoothly. Ideas are flowing in and I have countless directions I can head in so i'm just going to sit back and let it flow. I have faith in it and feel supported behind the scenes. I now realize that I've been supported all along and my life has gone just the way it was suppose too. 

I've also taken all of your advice and is spot on! You are very wise and can't thank you enough!  

I love being barefoot and now remember that running around as kid barefoot was my happy place and made me feel good. I feel like a kid again and i'm walking around with a goofy grin or tears in my eyes. It feels so good. 

I would like to proceed with further work on my Vata Imbalance when it suits, and and my partner would also love to come along with me for breathing practice as we have a bit of fine tuning there to say the least. 

I think that just about does it for now. I would like to provide any and all testimonials that will help you and your purposeful work. You are free to take anything from this email and quote it as it might be more genuine than if I was to set out to do it. 

Thank you Deb."


Marylin. Christchurch. NZ

I recently had my first session of QHHT with Deb. I am so grateful for whatever chain of 'happenings'  led to my awareness of QHHT and then to a list of practitioners in New Zealand. Deb's warm welcome to her home from where she works, her consideration for my comfort and her ability to explain what would happen in a session encouraged complete trust, allowing me to relax into this very new-to-me healing modality.

Everything that happened in the session was handled skillfully by Deb allowing me to accept whatever came up for me even if it felt challenging. I was able to totally trust the process both while in Deb's 'hands' and as I've continued to work since with the recordings made of my session. I also received a beautifully supportive email from Deb a few days after my time with her with recommended reading, reminders of information that came during the session, loving guidance for nurturing this new way of being and an invitation to be in touch should I have any questions. 

I have a real sense that a line has been drawn between the unconscious way of living that has prevailed up to this point in my life (complete with the stories I created around my experiences) and post QHHT, which offers a clear way forward, a way of living consciously. I acknowledge that that old way of being had it's value, it's purpose, but it is a relief to leave it 'back there'. The critical assignment now is to honour that knowing. Already, in the bare week since the QHHT, there has been significant healing of wounded relationships. I have a feeling of expansion. There is an inclination to make everything I do a celebration (which is quite lovely). I have a new sense of excitement about what lies ahead, what is in each moment. What other wonderful things are lining up?!

My deep thanks to you Deb.   

Arohanui and Blessings


Luke. USA

Thanks again so much for the amazing session yesterday! I so appreciate you taking the time to really understand where I currently am with my life. You did such an amazing job weaving through the questions and putting me into a deep relaxed state of hypnosis.

I am still decompressing from all of the different things that came up. What a beautiful experience that was....

Deb thank you so much for the amazing session this past week! I so appreciated you getting to know me and taking the time to really understanding where I currently am with my life. I brought a lengthy list of questions and Deb did a great job familiarizing herself with them, but more importantly understanding where the root of the questions lie. Deb made me feel like an old friend just catching up over a tea for a couple hours before I got into the deepest state I have ever been in.


What felt like 45 min was actually 3.5 hours of reliving a beautiful past life and communicating with my Higher Self (HS). I was unsure whether I would be able fall under, but Deb's soothing voice lulled my body to sleep and allowed my soul to explore this new territory. Deb masterfully weaved questions after question into the dialog with my HS. This lead to a warm cohesive experience overall. 


To share some of my experience:

I relived a beautiful past life where I was a Mayan who had experiences with advanced non terrestrial beings. I was able to travel to another star system and explore a different way of life. After the past life, my higher self (HS) outlined my life purpose. My HS also clarified all my questions related to my relationships and helped me heal some past traumas. During the healing sections, I could feel the energy radiating out of my body and at times I felt like I was in a sauna from housing so much energy. Finally, I'll share that I was able to connect with my recently passed Grandfather who delivered a beautiful message which left me in tears.

I feel so grateful to have Deb here in NZ. I would recommend her to anyone that was interested in QHHT. I will definitely continue to keep in touch with her as my life continues unfolding. Namaste Deb!


Maddy – Auckland. NZ

My QHHT session with Deb was amazing, it was easy to relax and let go with her guidance. I felt lightly conscious but I knew my higher guidance was in charge. Since my session with Deb I feel like I am able to recognise what it feels like when I am connected with my intuition and my higher self. She emphasises creating a safe, kind and loving space. Deb is a very gifted QHHT and yoga practitioner, I feel so blessed to have had these experiences with her.  She is a fiercely loving, spiritual, wahine ātaahua!


Lani . Auckland NZ

I am also a QHHT practitioner and have had several sessions with Deb as we continue to explore the information that the SubConscious can bring through us.  I received answers to my questions regarding work and health as well as new information, in my recent session with her and I feel better because of it.  The memory of the other life existence and the healing energy continues to work in and through me.

Deb has created a wonderful peaceful space in which to conduct her sessions with people and is very skillful in asking the appropriate questions to get answers to your questions.  

You can feel totally safe and nurtured as she guides you through the process of this technique. 

Thank you, Deb for everything that you do and Your Presence here.


Chonnie . Melbourne. AU

"I hadn't heard of QHHT until the day of my session, so I had no expectations (or actually any idea what was about to happen) but as soon as we got started with pre-questions, I had a good feeling about it and was at ease with Debs approach.

She has a very calm and caring energy which made me relax and open up.

Once we were ready to begin and I was comfortable laying down, I wasn't sure what was coming next.

I just focused on Debs voice and tried to let go of any thoughts that kept trying to pop in.

I remember parts of the session but it amazes me to hear it played back at how much we actually went through.

When the session finished I felt a little sleepy and like I'd been there about 45mins but I'd actually been there closer to 2 hrs!

Afterwards I had an overwhelming sense of well-being and joy inside.

I felt like I had new confidence and assurance that all was as it should be.

Even now, nearly 4 months later, I still feel an afterglow of spiritual awareness and contentedness that seemed to be activated in my session with Deb. 

I feel this has actually enhanced my level of communication with others.

And I also feel a new confidence that I can speak freely and I trust what I have to say will be heard and received as I intend it, rather than worry what people may or may not think.  That may seem subtle but I believe it's huge. 

I'm definitely a fan and would love to come back and see Deb again.


Jaye . Auckland. NZ.

I have known Deb for a few decades and she has always been a soulful person, striving to care for the world and for all that exist within it. 

She has this extraordinary ability to give 100% of herself whilst carrying out QHHT sessions in order to create a caring and nurturing environment for those involved.

Deb has really found her calling in life with QHHT, it is her passion to help others in a way that is meaningful, whereby, she can aid in finding answers for people and changing people’s lives for the better.

Deb creates a calm, secure and trusting environment for her clients.

If you wish for a life changing experience that will provide you with the answers to your questions, I have no hesitation in recommending Deb to guide you through this. 


Michelle . Auckland. NZ.

"A QHHT session with Deb is an amazing way to get clarity and find direction when you're feeling a bit 'stuck' or confused about your life's path or purpose. 

No less than life changing, QHHT is an incredible method that we should all be tapping in to. 

The best thing is there's nothing to fear with it and Deb ensures you feel comfortable and positive throughout - so there's no chance of a negative outcome. 

I can't recommend a QHHT session with her highly enough - your life will be all the richer for it."


Rajas . Melbourne. NZ.

Deb was very generous with her time, patience, and kindness throughout our session together.

She was gentle in leading and tried to provide various views to help me gain a different perspective on what I had experienced. She also made sure she followed up from the session, providing information that was important for me, and checking in to see how I was. I felt she genuinely cared.

I was fortunate to spend a bit of extra time with Deb after the session and felt that she was genuinely interested in me and wanted to know how things panned out for me.

I also feel that she is somehow delivering a message that in my life I needed to hear.

She came at the right time and place in my life and intuitively reinforced this message.

She listened patiently and without judgement.

I do believe that you meet people in life who have a purpose and who will bring a lesson to you.

I feel that Deb is such a person. As the saying goes, "when the student is ready, the teacher will come".

I believe Deb stepped into my life and taught me something very important, at a time that I needed that lesson.

The session with her has left me with some clear messages, and pathways I need to take.

For this Deb, thank you very much. I am very grateful for your time and guidance.

Thank you


Layla . Melbourne. AU

Thanks Deb, my QHHT session with you has given me a sense of calm and strength to deal with the difficult months ahead,

with regards to my elderly mother. 

I feel better equipped to acknowledge and know that I can cope with changes that life is throwing my way; by being reminded about my resilience and of the love and support of others.

Your guidance has shown me to be mindful about my personal growth and that I should embrace the feeling of release and freedom. 

Therefore, I'm grateful for your generosity of time and for your supportive and serene demeanor. 


Lyn . Melbourne. AU

I was initially quite apprehensive about my session with Deb for QHHT. 

I didn't need to worry, Deb made me feel comfortable and totally at ease. 

She talked to me about life experiences and any problems or health issues I may be having. 

I was dubious if she would be able to hypnotize me but I was very quickly in a good place.

It was the most relaxing experience and I felt full of energy and rejuvenated after the session. 

The most important thing I got out of this session was a belief in myself and the emphasis I place on how important family is.

This came from a knowledge of prior life experiences.

It was so interesting to find out more about what makes me who I am. 


 I have been listening to my recording of the session on my own and also with my daughter.

We have been finding it absolutely fascinating. Lots of goosebumps moments and a few tears.

I can picture what we spoke about as I am listening to it. It’s like I’m back with you again and going through everything again.

My daughter said that as the words were being said I was mouthing the words like I was talking through it again.

I have so many more questions and I feel so much more open to the whole process.

I already feel I have a strong connection with my sense of self and intuition, but I now feel more strongly connected and keen to trust myself.  I have to admit I was struggling to come to terms with everything we spoke about.  It took me 2 weeks to be ready to listen to it again.

I also remember when I immediately left you I was on an absolute high.  My Daughter said I was like an excited little kid.

I would like to explore more of this either through my meditation  or other means but I need more guidance with this.
I’d love to have another session with you and I know my daughter is keen also.
You are amazing with your connection to the spirit world and getting my higher self to communicate with you.

I felt totally relaxed and energized after.  Thank You!

“What is truth?   A difficult question;

But I have solved it for myself by saying that it is what the voice within tells you.”

~ Gandhi


Deb Taylor ©

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